Bring HD video conferences and team collaboration tools directly to your customers and get more revenue

Expand your product portfolio by offering VideoMost as a product or service under your brand and billing.
Become a partner

Benefit from partnership with VideoMost

High margin
Attractive prices and special terms
Vendor support and consulting
Product from industry expert

Generate new revenue with VideoMost

  • VideoMost enables mass deployment of SaaS video conferencing at minimum costs - 100 times server infrastructure cost advantage over legacy video conferencing hardware:
    • Low CapEx – no major capital investment needed. VideoMost Server software ports costs are a fraction of hardware systems costs
    • High efficiency – thanks to SPIRIT’s scalable video technologies in VideoMost, one commodity $2k PC server hardware with VideoMost software supports up to unprecedented 1000 concurrent video channels
  • VideoMost SaaS service scales easily to millions of end-points and allows to add participants anytime and optimize costs in ‘pay-as-you-grow’ scheme.
  • VideoMost platform gives you an outstanding flexibility:
    • White label licensing – customize VideoMost (including GUI) and provide service under your own brand and billing
    • Use VideoMost video conference either as a standalone service or integrate it into your product and enrich your offer to customers – VideoMost platform architecture enables easy integration with business applications, web-based services, datacenters, call center solutions, and more.

VideoMost has over 40 partners in more than 20 countries, including US, Canada, India, China, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, South Africa, Kenya, France.

To find a partner in your area, please contact us by phone +7 (499) 518-87-25 or send an email to

Become a partner

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